Monday, October 29, 2018

Atoms, Empty Space and Density

If atoms are mostly empty space, many wonder why matter is not transparent.  Here's a simple answer from

While atoms are indeed mostly empty space, the void is filled with the electromagnetic fields generated by the electrons within the atom. These affect light waves as they move through materials, preventing them from passing straight through unimpeded. Switching to radiation of shorter wavelength, like X-rays or gamma rays, allows even relatively dense materials to become transparent.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Rotting Corpses - Homes for Babies

Mothers love their children, even in the insect world. The Burying Beetle is no exception. This beetle uses corpses of dead animals to create a wonderful nursery for her young. Because of the beetles secretions, the carcass does not rot and the children have a warm, dry place to live and eat.  Here's another creative example of the intelligence of design. 

Alice Rings

Stranger than the story Alice in Wonderland, Alice Rings, named after the main character, have been observed in the world of physics.  This ...