Sunday, May 24, 2020

Fermions, Bosons and Anyons - Oh My!

Fermions and bosons are the building blocks of life, particles so small it takes special equipment to even detect them.  However, scientists have now discovered another particle that sits alongside these two particles.  They are known as "anyons".  How do they interact with these other life building blocks?  This article provides interesting insight into this newly discovered particle.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Black Holes Eating Black Holes - The Numbers Are Incomprehensible!

A black hole orbiting a black hole.  Accretion disk penetrations causing massive flares of brightness that produce, get this, a trillion times as much light as produced by the Sun. In fact, more luminous than our whole galaxy!  And because of the tremendous forces produced by gravity as predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity, the movement of one black hole orbiting the other changes by 39 degrees every revolution which is on a 12-year cycle.  But there's more! Read the whole intriguing, scientifically mind-bending article here.  Jehovah's power is unimaginable causing one to be aphonic. 

Alice Rings

Stranger than the story Alice in Wonderland, Alice Rings, named after the main character, have been observed in the world of physics.  This ...